Friday, August 8, 2008

Bubble tanks 2

Hold up...


Hold up...


There's my walkthrough.

Really, this game was disappointing. I expected much more from HeroesInteractive; in the past, all of their games have been pretty good.

This, I'm sorry to say, is one of the worst games ever made. The first one was so much better than this. After taking hours to upgrade your tank, through trial and error you find that the one you picked is completely useless (Drone tank). It then induces a restart, leading to more horribly boring gameplay. If, by holding down an arrow key for twenty minutes, you happen to stumble upon the boss, he immediately shoves you into the next bubble upon being hit; You return and find he has taken no damage.

What is this? It's just another pointless, boring click-and-shoot game. Due to lack of things to do, poor entertainment and replay value and general dullness, this game gets a disappointing (and generous) 2/5.

PS: For those retards out there who think I hate it because I didn't get the badges, I did get the badges.

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